Start Date:12/15/14
Month 1-
Layout of program for month 1
tuesday-Hiit Cardio
thursday-Isometrics and mobility work
*All resistance movements for month 1 have a 4/1/2 Tempo. Means 4 seconds for the negative portion, 1 seconds pause, 2 seconds positive
During a pushup, you will go down 4 seconds, pause at the bottom for 1 second, and push up for two seconds
5 minutes cardio Warmup(Jumping Jacks, Jump Rope)
5 minutes of Foam Rolling
Rest 30 seconds between sets
Stability ball press 3 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Pushups 3 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Standing Shoulder Press 2 sets of 12 repetitions(Picture)
Side lateral Raises 2 sets of 12 reps(Picture)
Standing Tricep Extensions 2 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Tubing tricep Kickbacks 2 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Flutter Kicks 3 sets to failure(Picture)
Planks 3 sets 1 minute(Picture)
5-10 minutes of static stretching
(No Gym)
10 minutes of warmup
4 rounds of:
30 seconds sprints
30 seconds jog/walk/recover
15 minute jog
10 minutes static stretch
5 minutes cardio warmup
5 minutes foam rolling(Calves,IT band, Adductors,Abductors,Quad,Hamstring)
45 sec rest between sets
Alternate Lunges 3 sets of 20 reps(Picture)
Bosu Squat 3 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Chair pose 3 sets of 60 seconds(Picture)
Bulgarian Split Lunge 2 sets of 15 reps per leg(Picture)
10 minutes Jump rope
Bicycle crunches 3 sets to failure(Picture)
Leg Lifts 2 sets to failure(Picture)
5 minutes static stretch
Thursday-Isometrics and Mobility
No Rest between sets
5 minute warmup
5 minutes foam rolling
10 minutes dynamic flexibility/mobility drills
All moves will be held for 1 minute, no movement, engage core and draw bellybutton in towards spine
Pushup postion(Picture)
Squat low(Picture)
T Plank Left Arm(Picture)
Plank w/ Left Leg Lifted
Lunge Left Leg front(Picture)
T Plank Right Arm
Plank w/ Right leg lifted
Lunge Right Leg front
Inverted Pull Hold(Picture)
10 minutes static stretch
5 minute warmup
30 sec break between sets
Inverted Rows 3 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Lat Pulldowns 3 sets of 15 reps(Picture)*Do not bring bar behind neck
One Hand dumbbell rows 2 sets of 15 reps per side(Picture)
Barbell Bicep Curls 2 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Cable Rope Hammer Curls 2 sets of 15 reps(Picture)
Tubing External Rotation High3 sets of 15 per arm(Picture)
Tubing external rotation low 3 sets of 15 per arm(Picture)
V Ups 3 sets to failure(Picture)
Static stretch 10 minutes
45 mins of steady state cardio 70-80% of Max heart rate
10 mins static stretch
Repeat for weeks 2 and 3
Week 4 Training
Monday-12-2 minute workout
(No Gym)
5-10 minutes warmup
5 minutes foam rolling
12 Pushups
12 Crunches
12 Jumping Jacks
12 Squats
6 Burpees(Picture)
Rest the reminder of the 2 minutes(If finished in 1:30, you have :30 rest)
8 times through
If you fail to complete in under 2 minutes its over
If you did not complete at least 4 rounds, repeat week 3 over again and start this workout next week
Static stretch 5-10 minutes
Wednesday-25 in 5 workout
(No Gym)
25 crunches
25 leg lifts
25 bicycle crunches
25 Heels to the heavens(Picture)
Plank 1 minute
Rest the remainder of the 5 minutes(If you finished in 3:30, you have 1:30 rest)
Goal:5 times through
If you fail to complete in under 5 minutes its over
If you do not complete at least 3 times, repeat week 3 over again and start this workout next week
Warmup 10 minutes
5 minutes foam rolling
Jump rope 100 rotations
10 Burpees
Repeat 10 times
Static stretch 5 minutes
Saturday-Month 1 Final workout(14 workout)
Warmup 5 minutes
Foam roll 5 minutes
14 Pushups
14 Burpees
14 Lunges Per side
14 Squats
14 Inverted rows
14 Lat Pulldowns w/50% body weight
14 leg lifts
14 crunches
repeat one more time
1.4 mile run
5-10 minutes static stretch(Doesn't count towards time)
Do all the movements above, then repeat 1 more time. After that, finish it off with 1.4 mile run
All this need to be completed in under 1 Hour, if not, repeat week 3 over again and start this workout next week
Month 2-
Monday-Total body
Wednesday-Circuit Training/Metabolic Training
Thursday- Flexibility and mobility
Friday-Sports Training day
Tempo month 2- 2/0/2
Should use enough weights to fail between 8-10 reps in weightlifting workouts
Rest 60 seconds between sets
5 Minutes warmup
5 minutes Foam rolling
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10 reps(Picture)
Sumo Squat 3 sets of 10 reps(Picture)
Incline Dumbbell bench press 2 sets of 10 reps(Picture)
Barbell front squats 3 sets of 8 reps(Picture)
Pull-ups 3 sets to failure(Picture)
Barbell Lunges sets of 8 reps per leg(Picture)
Deadlifts 3 sets of 10 reps(Picture)
(No gym) or (Gym)
10 minute warmup
(Running, Jump Rope, Swimming, Cycling)
45 s sprint max effort
30 s rest
repeat 15 times
5 minutes warmup
5 minutes foam rolling
All moves are 1 minute move from exercise to exercise without rest unless told so
(Light Weight)
Jumping Jacks
Chin Ups
Dumbbell bench press
Lat Pulldown
box jumps(Picture)
Repeat 1 more time
5 minutes static stretch
(No Gym)
5 minute warmup
15 minutes foam rolling
15minutes dynamic flexibility/mobility drills
(No Gym) Jump rope needed
10 minutes warmup
All moves are 30 seconds, after 4 moves rest 30 seconds
Jump Squats(Picture)
Explosive Lunges(Picture)
Plyo Pushups(Picture)
Jump rope singles
Jump rope doubles
Jump rope left leg
Jump rope right leg
Repeat two more times
Repeat for weeks 2 and 3
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